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Creators/Authors contains: "Gronenborn, Angela M."

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  1. Abstract

    HIV-1 maturation inhibitors (MIs), Bevirimat (BVM) and its analogs interfere with the catalytic cleavage of spacer peptide 1 (SP1) from the capsid protein C-terminal domain (CACTD), by binding to and stabilizing the CACTD-SP1 region. MIs are under development as alternative drugs to augment current antiretroviral therapies. Although promising, their mechanism of action and associated virus resistance pathways remain poorly understood at the molecular, biochemical, and structural levels. We report atomic-resolution magic-angle-spinning NMR structures of microcrystalline assemblies of CACTD-SP1 complexed with BVM and/or the assembly cofactor inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6). Our results reveal a mechanism by which BVM disrupts maturation, tightening the 6-helix bundle pore and quenching the motions of SP1 and the simultaneously bound IP6. In addition, BVM-resistant SP1-A1V and SP1-V7A variants exhibit distinct conformational and binding characteristics. Taken together, our study provides a structural explanation for BVM resistance as well as guidance for the design of new MIs.

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  2. null (Ed.)